Sept 21 Badlands, South Dakota 

So we have breakfast and board the bus. The Badlands. So what do think when you hear the term? Movies Cowboys and Indians!

Well there appears to be two sets of scenes. One is prairie grass for as far as you can see to the skyline!  It’s pretty incredible to see that far.  There are herds of cattle, where the rancher is can be anyone’s guess. There are deer here.  

Then there are the rocks and caverns. But they come either jagged or flat across and have stripes from various earth sediments, so some are, red, grey or yellow. Pretty, looks like a drawing, but it’s real and so desolate.

We did see mountain goats and saw signs for rattle snakes but it’s a rather scary place.

We stopped at a town wall which is suppose to have the largest drug store in the USA. Okay, so have you stopped at south of the border.  similar, but nicer crap and not so scattered it’s two sides of the street, some places connected thru to the next.

We shared a chicken sandwich which was excellent by the way, and got back on the bus. Lots of Indian jewelry.  Some was very pretty, very pricey, but how much can you have?  Okay stop the comments!

We returned for a hotel buffet dinner which was ok, no blah. The water in the sink had air, and when Elliot turned on the faucet it spit water all over him!  I cried I laughed so it wasn’t funny..ha!

Well I hope you enjoyed coming west with me. Tomorrow we come home. That will be my last blog. But, stay tuned there will be another grand one. Luv yas and thanks so much for coming along. Do read tomorrow my last blog😘

Some pics for today!

2 thoughts on “Sept 21 Badlands, South Dakota 

  1. I am so glad to read about Dakota. So much better to read and see your photos than have to actually travel there myself. And south of the border is a better place to hang out than the world’s largest drugstore???

    Glad you give us such a great tour right at our home……….


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